Friday, September 21, 2012

To buy or not to buy

A little bit crowded on my blog?
I don’t know, what I am up to!
But this is the way I am posting today.
I like you to feel  the pulse on a flea market
on a Sunday afternoon!!

Wish you a nice weekend!!!!!

Ελπίζω ότι νοιώθετε και εσείς τον παλμό της αγοράς στο
Μοναστηράκι μιας Κυριακής  απόγευμα…


  1. I love this pictures, Monika, very much. You captured so perfectly and beautifully very interesting moments of street life. All portraits are very exceptional.

    Just a great pleasure to be in this place and watch life passing by.

    Great photography!

    Hugs from Kaya.

  2. Monika, great series of photos of a flea market. Did you buy anything?

  3. @Horst in Edmonton.
    No, I did not :(( but I am flirting with the mirror!

  4. Not crowded at all.
    There is a certain energy at flea markets, and you have captured that beautifully.
    LOVE the second to last shot here.
    Guess there's not a lot of energy there, but I love it.
    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

  5. Wunderschöne Momentaufnahmen. Ich nehme die blaue Katze ♥
    LG Sabine

  6. A beautiful mandolin! I don't know how to play it, but I wish I could have it.

    Ein schönes Wochenende, Monika!

  7. You have done a fine job capturing the faces and the personalities of the flea market shoppers and vendors, Monika.

    I think the fellow in your first photograph has already made too many purchases, judging by the size of his backpack. And, I would love to write a caption for the photo next to the last of the man and woman -- but, I dare not.

    No, the page is not too crowded. It is just right.

  8. Also ich finde es absolut nicht "crowded" Für mich sind es absolut schöne Impressionen des Flohmarktes, und tolle Aufnahmen der Menschen. In den Gesichtszügen spiegeln sich Gedanken wieder die ich persönlich nachvollziehen kann.

    Dort würde ich auf jeden Fall auch gerne flanieren, und gleichzeitig meine Geldbörse festhalten :-))))

    Dir ein supertolles Wochenende und ganz ♥liche Grüssle


  9. Flohmärkte sind faszinierend. Bei uns gibt es auch viele, doch leider werden nur noch wenige dem Namen gerecht, es wird zuviel Neuware dort angeboten...

    Lieben Gruß und Sonnenschein

  10. -) it's amazing to See People that Way, it's absolut Not crowd it's very psychological! Great captured Monika, have a nice Weekend!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. κάποια πρέπει να πέρασε πανέμορφα!

  13. Monika,

    to buy or ont to buy THAT is the question!

    I am more than happy to get the opportunity to see ;)

  14. Photos that make you feel the real pulse of the flea market! Beautiful shots!

  15. Monika I can also feel your passion for the market through your photos, you've done a fantastic job with this post and have some mighty fine photos. I love the one with the man eating and pointing at something. You've captured realness, in a wonderful way. Cheers!

  16. Brilliant images, I love the way that the market comes into your blog.

  17. ολόκληρο ταξίδι οι φωτο σου Μόνικά μου... υπέροχες...

  18. A nice study of expressions ! Including the cat ;>)

    Hope your weekend is going well, Monika !

  19. Lovely street pictures Monika..... very well done.

    Wish you a lovely sunday.

    Hugs, Joop

  20. I'm addicted to buying others' CRAP! Can't help myself.

  21. great street photos my sweet friend!
    you captured the pulse of the city so beautifully through your lens.
    well done you!!

    hope you had a great weekend,
    wishing you a fabulous week ahead.

    much love!


  22. Excelente post, com ótimos personagens.
    Perfeitos momentos registrados.

  23. αχ..τι μικρούτσικα γράμματα..μισό να πάρω τα γυαλιά μου-) χιχι
    τι όμορφες αυθόρμητες φωτογραφίες.....είσαι πολύ τυχερή που συλλαμβάνεις τον ''ανθρωπο''όπως είναι-))
    πολλα φιλιά......-)

  24. Αθάνατο μέρος, γεμάτο μικρούς ή μεγάλους θησαυρούς
    που περιμένουν να τους ανακαλύψεις. Το επισκέπτομαι συχνά.
    Ωραίες φωτογραφίες- ξεχώρισα τον καθρέφτη και την γάτα.
    Καλό βράδυ!

  25. Excellent selection. It reminds me to go to the local flea market this Sunday.

  26. Super schöne Aufnahmen! Besonders die Portraits gefallen mir großartig, liebe Monika!!!

    Fühl Dich ganz dolle geknuddelt,

  27. ήθελα να ρωτήσω οι φωτογραφίες είναι ερασιτεχνικές?

  28. Nel mercato delle pulci si trova di tutto da cose interessanti a patacche.Belle le foto.

  29. @Phantomas.
    Η ερωτησή σου με κολακεύει!~!
    Ναι, είναι ερασιτεχνικές…

  30. Street photography at its best, I like the human emotions !

  31. Looks like a great place to people-watch! I find these photos so fascinating! Thank you for sharing them my friend! xoxoxoo

  32. Beautiful pictures. The last is my favorite.

    Greetings, Carmen

  33. Nice observational and varied set of pictures Monika ... including the bird watching the world go by :-)

  34. Hi Monika! Well, I don't think it's crowded. Your street work has great energy, color, and life. And I see a few items I'd love to get a hold of. I love all the different candid expressions and poses you caught. One could get lost for many hours in such a place and you really communicated that feeling. The bird watching the human spectacle is a perfect closing...

  35. Hi Monika! How are you my friend?! Always love coming here and seeing your beautiful portraits of people! xoxoxoo
