Saturday, November 26, 2011

Σκέψεις -- thoughts

Οι άνθρωποι έχουν αλλάξει με τον καιρό..
Γιατί όμως?
Η ευγένεια έχει χαθεί ολόκληρη..
Σε όλους τους τομείς!!
Μια γυναίκα δεν έχει πλέον κανένα πλεονέκτημα.
Αυτό ειδικά δεν με πειράζει έμενα..
Ο εγωισμός σ' όλη του την μεγαλοπρέπεια!
Κανείς δεν κοιτάζει  κανέναν ποιά στα μάτια..
Μια βιασύνη χωρίς να ξέρουν και οι ίδιοι το γιατί..
Που πήγαν οι άνθρωποι, το χαμόγελο, ο καλός λόγος,
το πείραγμα, το χιούμορ?

People have changed over time.
And I cannot understand why?
Politeness and courtesy has been lost.
In every way.
Women no longer have advantages.
But this does not bother me.
Selfishness in all its splendor!
Nobody looks no more in anybody’s eyes.
A hurry without knowing why!!

Where did all the people go..
their smile, the good word, the flirt, their humor?

Die Menschen haben sich  im Laufe der Zeit verändert.
Und ich kann nicht verstehen, warum?
Höflichkeit und Freundlichkeit sind  verloren gegangen.
In jeder Hinsicht.
Frauen haben keine Vorteile mehr.
Aber das stört mich nicht im Geringsten!
Egoismus in seiner ganzen Pracht!
Niemand schaut den Anderen mehr in die Augen.
Alle sind in Eile, ohne zu wissen, warum!

Wo sind die Menschen geblieben?
Ihr Lächeln,  ein gutes  Wort, der Flirt, der Humor?

Πως και από πού το ξέθαψα!!

This old song came into my mind...


  1. Έχεις δίκιο ..

    By the way, φοβερές οι .. Σπάνιες Γαίες !

    Σε χαιρετώ με κάτι μουσικό:

    Red Baron


  2. º°❤
    Olá, amiga!

    As pessoas mudaram porque hoje não é importante ser... é importante ter!...

    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos. º° ✿
    ♫° Brasil

  3. Αγαπημένη μου Μόνικα,
    Δυστυχώς έχεις δίκιο αν και είναι πολύ πικρό να το παραδεχτούμε...
    Βέβαια αυτό, πιστεύω ότι είναι πιο έντονο στις μεγάλες πόλεις και λιγότερο στην επαρχία.
    Χαίρομαι που εμείς εδώ στα blogs έχουμε και ευγένεια και αγάπη και χιούμορ μεταξύ μας!
    Οι φωτογραφίες σου από το μετρό, είναι υπέροχες και μάλιστα η τελευταία και πολύ διακριτική!
    Σου εύχομαι μια όμορφη Κυριακή ( εγώ θα πάρω τα βουνά ):)
    Πολλά φιλάκια

  4. Monika my thought on this is that the world has become too capitalistic, everybody wants what others have, what they don't need, and some go to any lengths to get it. There's a lack of trust for one another and it's a sad state of affairs. I have no idea what it would take to get the world back on a level playing field, a world where children could go out to play and we know our neighbors.

    The clock is pretty awesome, the rest of your photos depict exactly what you're talking about. Excellent post to bring an awareness to this immense issue.

    On a happier note, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Liebe Monika,
    ja leider ist es so. Ich merke es teilweise an mir selbst. Es wird immer mehr von einem verlangt. Oft bleibt das Menschliche auf der Strecke. Deshalb versuche ich mich in meiner Freizeit nicht mit Terminen vollzuladen, sondern genieße die wenigen Aktivitäten wie z. B. heute das Kegeln mit den Freunden.
    LG Sabine

    BIANCA: kapws etsi...

  7. i wish the world could regain its soul. it's still here; we just don't see it as often.

    thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! i do appreciate it!

  8. So true Monika... I like all the fotos too, the clock reflect so well your tought... Kiss and hug

  9. Ελα ντε;
    ΠΟυ πήγαν;;;
    Κι εγώ αναρωτιέμαι!!!!
    Φιλιά πολλά γλυκιά μου
    Να περνάς όμορφα :)

  10. great pictures. a good weekend for you.

  11. The world is a blur, the world is spinning out of control, time never stops and seems to be moving faster and faster while we are marching backwards against its flow. Your photographs depict the times as well as the time, Monika. I think your message is accurate and that you have illustrated it in excellent fashion.

    In answer to your question, "Where did the people go ..", you already know my thoughts in that regard. In a sense, most have gone back to their origins.

  12. In big cities it has always been like that. Strangers do not want to come close to each other. Flirt does not occur between strangers and whenever this happened it was not welcome by women who always thought that a stranger is not entitled to it. You cannot expect intimacy in large public places such as Metro stations, or the train itself. Intimacy is frowned upon and has been like that all along. Suspicion is widespread!

  13. Monika, you brought up a very philosophical questions who we are and where we are going. I think you went in the museum of modern art and you wanted to share with us your thoughts. I love your title Thoughts.

    I love your pictures which really can arise in us so many thoughts. There is beauty and not so beautiful reality. I liked how you played with this theme. Your approach is fantastic and deep.

    And the last picture is blur.... How good that it is blur. Life is blur sometimes also.

    Beautiful post and very powerful, my dear Monica. Beautiful poem! And fantastic pictures!!!

    I wish you a happy and creative week!!!

  14. the people in the past were more friendly than today, i'm afraid we have lost our direction...
    love your thoughts, couldn't agree more.

    wonderful photos, i'm impressed!

    big hugs!!


  15. Gott sei Dank ist es hier noch etwas anders, zumindest unter den Einheimischen kann man diese Dinge noch finden.

    Ansonsten finde ich die Entwicklung auch sehr negativ. Sollten die Menschen wirklich täglich dran erinnert werden.

    Liebe Grüße

  16. Very nice illustrations of your thoughts, Monika. You raise very good issues about where people are going. In many cases we've thrown the baby out with the bath water in our quest for 'progress' and speed. Patience and trust and time for introspection have been victims of our 'progress'.

    Have a wonderful week.

  17. I always like your very appropraite pictures, matching the texts:)

  18. Στα δυο σημεία που αναφέρεσαι:
    1: "Μια γυναίκα δεν έχει πλέον κανένα πλεονέκτημα"
    2: "Κανένας δεν κοιτάει πια τον άλλο στα μάτια"
    Είναι για μένα η αρχή μιας κατηφόρας κι ας φαίνονται απλές κινήσεις ή συμπεριφορές. Όλα έχουν την σημειολογίας τους.
    Καλή εβδομάδα φίλη μου!

  19. many awaken and wonder the same things. then we smile upon others!

    thank you, B

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  20. Sind es nicht eher die Erwartungen der Gesellschaft, die Schnelllebigkeit, der Druck, das "Immer-Mehr-Erreichen-Wollen/Müssen"? Die Menschen passen sich der Zeit (ihrer Zeit) an. Und das, worauf es ankommt (oder ankommen sollte), geht dabei oftmals verloren ...
    Ich glaube, da wir immer noch da sind, gibt es auch noch genug Menschen, die auch für andere da sind, helfen, ein Lächeln auf die Reise schicken. Und wenn diese Menschen verschwinden, verschwinden alle ...

    Ganz viele liebe Grüße,

  21. That clock is a great opening work of art. Public transport has become so impersonal as everyones personal lives move at great speed in cities.
