Monday, May 7, 2012

Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion

Poseidon still reigns, overlooking the sea. The ruins of another temple to Athena, a mere goddess of wisdom after whom Athens itself is named, are usually neglected or pointed out in an instant as a group treks up to see the main attraction. And attraction he is.
The Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion
Though his famous statue is long gone, safely imprisoned at the National Archeological Museum in Athens, great Poseidon needs no bronze props to make his presence felt. The Greeks have always watched the sea, for the return of loved ones, for the safe delivery of goods, for news of war. Maybe that's why the Temple of Poseidon, with its magnificent view of the Aegean, seems to still fulfill the role of seawatcher from the high promontory. (Or maybe it's just the combined eyepower of several hundred visitors, many local Greeks included, intent on watching the blazingly beautiful sunset).
The temple itself is in the plain Doric style and was erected by Pericles, during the Golden Age of Greece, and is said to be on top of the ruins of an earlier sea temple which may date back to Mycenean or even Minoan time.
(Text by de Tracy, Regula)


Die Tempelanlagen von Kap Sounion
Kap Sounion, schon von Homer erwähnt („Am attischen Ufer, bei Sounions heiliger Spitze ...“), bildet die südlichste Spitze von Attika: ein steil aufragendes Felsplateau in landschaftlich beherrschender Lage, dem ehemals eine strategische Schlüsselstellung zukam. Sounion kontrollierte den Eingang in den Saronischen Golf und damit den Weg nach Ägina, Salamis, Piräus und Athen. Es überwachte gleichermaßen die Wasserstraßen zu den Kykladen und nach Euböa. Zusammen mit dem weithin sichtbaren Tempel von Ägina und der Athener Akropolis war Kap Sounion Teil eines navigatorischen Dreiecks, das der antiken Schifffahrt zur Orientierung diente. Angesichts einer so exponierten Lage ist es verständlich, dass Kap Sounion schon früh den Göttern geweiht war. Davon zeugen auch die hier gefundenen, überlebensgroßen Kuroi aus Marmor (heute im Athener Nationalmuseum), die zu den ältesten Beispielen attischer Großplastik zählen. Die Tempel selbst gehörten dem Meeresgott Poseidon (auf der Höhe des Felsens) und der Landgöttin Athena, deren Heiligtum etwas nördlicher auf einem flacheren Hügel lag.


  1. These are awesome. Thank you Monika.

  2. Oh those blues of sea and sky and the white against that blue, stunning! x

  3. υπέροχος Ναός και υπέροχη φύση. χρειαζόμαστε λίγη ομορφιά όπου κι αν την βρούμε. Καλό σου βράδυ.

  4. liebe Monika,
    Ehrwürdige STEINE.... umspiegelt von Wasser, geweiht dem Himmel

    ganz liebe Grüße von Jasmin

  5. Danke dir für die tollen Fotos und die geschichtliche Erklärung. Macht mir immer wieder Spass bei dir reinzuschauen.

    Liebe Abendgruessle

  6. Beautiful columns. I like the color of the white temple and blue sky. Great landscapes!

    Greetings, Carmen

  7. Schön das kleine Boot auf dem Meer...
    Grüße aus dem kalten Berlin,

  8. Aren't they beautiful, well done Monika.

  9. Ist das schön ♥♥♥
    LG Sabine

  10. Der erste, den ich mit Schwiegereltern besucht habe.

  11. You make history in your blog :)
    Good pictures darling *

  12. Twice, I have lived atop a hill overlooking a sizeable body of water, and your photographs remind me how much I miss such a view, Monika.

    You are fortunate to live among ghosts of philosophers, poets, warriors and, perhaps, even gods. My hilltops offered no memories other than the whispers of passing nomads -- of which I was one.

    It is enjoyable to see your work.

  13. Das ist ein wirklich schöner Post! Die herrlichen Bilder und dann noch der interessante Beitrag zu diesen zauberhaften Bilder ... Danke, liebe Monika!

    Alles Liebe,

  14. I have been there when I visited Athens for a week, I loved of course the beauty of the remains but the localization of this temple made it even more beautiful!

    Blog about life and travelling
    Blog about cooking

  15. these are all stunning shots, monika. you did take them at wonderful angles.
    the last one is so refreshing and peaceful!

    a great post and subject.

    big hugs!


  16. Wundershöne Fotos, Monika! Griechenland ist voll von wunderbaren "Ruinen", Reflexionen der antiken Kunst und Philosophie. Du kanst Fotos ein Leben lang zu machen, aus einer unerschöpflichen Ressource.

  17. What an amazing work of art this temple is.
    So much history.
    Thank you so much for sharing!
    Wishing you a wonderful evening!

  18. Ohh, Wow!!! Temple of Poseidon against the blue sky!!! That is really something fascinating. And then little wild flowers growing on the rocks. Lovely and very poetic and touching.

    And the last picture broke my heart. I want to escape on this boat from the world for a while. Love this photograph. It made me dream.

    Fantastic photography. Every image is a masterpiece!!!

    Hugs and all best from Kaya

  19. Monika you're photos are stunning! I love the ruins, who knows, maybe someday I'll get to visit there as well.

    Have a wonderful day, cheers!

  20. Je rêve d'assister à un coucher de soleil dans ce site Ydillique. Et dire que je n'ai pas encore visité la Gèce. Cela reste toujours un rêve pour moi.


  21. υπέροχη απόδοση ενός ιδιαίτερου κι ακόρεστου ενεργειακού χώρου... συγχαρητήρια!!!

  22. Ωραίες λήψεις, θαυμάσιο το μπλε!

  23. Υπέροχες φωτογραφίες αγαπητή μου Μόνικα!!!
    Η Ελλάδα μας είναι πανέμορφη!
    Συγχαρητήρια για την ανάδειξη της!!!
    Πολλά φιλιά

  24. Stupende quelle colonne!! felice giornata....ciao

  25. Here is a lovely contemporary poem about Poseidon, by Daniel James. You see Monika, Poseidon never dies !

    Twilight silhouettes.
    An evening cigarette, up on deck.
    The sun sets - on the far side of the cliff -
    While the boat
    Dips and lift, dips and lifts.
    Golden brown all around legs returning
    A golden sun is burning out
    Turning down the volume on the sky
    Now the whiteness of the day seeps through
    Our sand-entrenched shoes and is swallowed
    By the vastness of the wine-dark sea.
    Our salt-encrusted shoulders have rolled no boulders
    To touch the sun at noon
    Long afternoons through hazy pastel views
    Till the day’s foaming sea breaks
    Upon the hilly hooves of Spanish rocks.
    Meanwhile, the spine of a sleeping giant
    Lies in a hazy snooze,
    Its camel back runs grey to black
    Across the flat horizon. Pupils widen
    As the semi circle of gold is swallowed whole
    The velvet sea rolls gently for Poseidon.


  26. Yes, Poseidon still out there watching men and ship going by!

  27. Αχχχχχ καλοκαίρι!!!!
    Τωρα που το σκέφτομαι, έχω από πέρυσι να παω!
    Φιλιά πολλά φιλη μου

  28. Esse mar é incrível... azulíssimo!!!
    Bom fim de semana!
    Bom domingo!


    °º °♫♫♪¸.•°`

  29. Absolutely stunning! I especially like the boat in the middle of such vast blue sparkling water - simply beautiful!

  30. Stunning shots. Love the simplicity in them. The ruins beg exploration!

  31. The photos you've made are extremely beautiful! Cape Sounion is definitely one of the most stunning places of our planet! I advise you to read this article It will tell you about the prettiest places in Greece worth visiting. I'm sure that this sun-kissed Mediterranean country has enough perfect locations to last anyone a lifetime of vacations. I've never got bored in Greece, though I've been there lots of times.
