Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ένας περίπατος στην Αθήνα. A walk through Athens.

Η Πύλη του Αδριανού,
Χτίστηκε το 131 μ.Χ. από τους Αθηναίους, προς τιμήν του Ρωμαίου αυτοκράτορα.

The Gate of Hadrian.
Built in 131 AD by the Athenians in honor of the Roman Emperor.

Ο Ναός του Ολυμπίου Διός.
Αποπερατώθηκε από τον αυτοκράτορα Αδριανό το 132 μ.Χ.
Εδώ, μερικές από τις κολώνες που απέμειναν από τον μεγαλύτερο ναό της Ελλάδας.

The Temple of Olympian Zeus.
Completed by the emperor Hadrian in 132 BC.
Here, some of the columns remaining from what was the largest temple in Greece.

Από τους 104 κίονες του ναού του Διός, στα πρώτα χρόνια της Τουρκοκρατίας
είχαν απομείνει  17. Ο Τούρκος βοεβόδας (διοικητής) Τζισταράκης,  πήρε τη 17η
για να τη μετατρέψει το 1759 σε ασβέστη, προκειμένου να χτισεί το τζαμί στο
Μοναστηράκι. Το 1852 έπεσε και η 16η, κατά τη διάρκεια μιας τρομερής κακοκαιρίας.

Of the 104 columns of the Temple of Zeus, 17 were still standing up in the early years
of Turkish rule. The Turkish governor Tzistarakis pulled down the 17th column in 1759
and reduced it to lime to build the mosque in Monastiraki Square. In 1852 the 16th
column was blown down during a great storm.


  1. Monika, these are awesome images. Gorgeous!

  2. Great photos! Spectacular nighttime photos.

    Greetings, Carmen

  3. Monika, you are so great with night photography. I know, know that I already said it but I can't resist to say it again. How can you do that is mystery for me. Light is so wonderful and night is amazingly beautiful. That is outstanding photography!!!!

    I wish I could be in these places.

    I would love to say a huge thank you for your comments on my blog. They are so inspiring, my dear Monika. And they mean a lot to me.

    I am sending you my love, my admiration for your great photography and best wishes!


  4. Excellent night-shots Monika. My favorite is the third :) *

  5. fantastic shots, monika, the light effect gives the photos a splendid look.
    what a spectacular!

    thank you for taking us along.

    hope you have a good night.

    big hgs!

  6. A beautiful night walk downtown Athens.
    Great shots Monica.

  7. Das Tor des Hadrian ist wahrlich ein bedeutendes seiner Art, denn irgendwie hatte er schon vor so langer Zeit geschichtliche Zeichen gesetzt, die sich wohl heute noch im Arc de Triomphe und dem Brandenburger Tor wiederfinden - Einfach genial...

    Gemütlichen Abend

  8. Ein wunderschoener Spaziergang. Ich liebe es ja deine Abendfotos mit den Lichtreflexen zu sehen. Kommt toll rueber und macht Stimmung auf Romantik :-)

    Liebe Abendgruessle und fleissiges Winken nach Athen

  9. Meravigliosa Atene!!!
    Ciao,good evening!

  10. Schön die Stadt durch dich zu entdecken. Einen guten Donnerstag dir.

  11. Yes, I also marvel once again at your night photography, Monika. As the saying goes, you have mastered it to a science.

    And, I also enjoyed this lesson in Athenian history and the reminder that neither history nor the weather is kind to art and to architecture. A person can only imagine what it would have been like to stand in these places when these structures were newly created.

  12. Dear Fram.
    Personally I wonder how this was possible! This largest Zeus temple, built with 104 columns and now only 15 of them still standing!
    Destroyed by humans or by natural disasters?
    This goes for all the buildings of antiquity: Think of the Acropolis. What would it look like in all its glory, intact by time?

  13. what a beauty!!!!!!wow!!!!!!

    yes what masters they were!!why are we not like that today!!!!

    i should like t go there..and may be i will..during my vacation..It lovely and good taken photoes.congratulations!!

    you must do more of this!!tonight am going to watch "pompeii".the movie..and dream about all those ancients things!!

    big kiss monica!!xxxxx

  14. Yperoxes fotos!

    And yes, I know all about the autumn like weather in Athens this spring... boring!

  15. hi monika,
    wunderbare bilder.
    gefällt mir gut.
    ganz liebe grüße nach griechenland.

  16. Tolle Abendaufnahmen! Solche Bilder haben doch immer ihren ganz besonderen Reiz ... wunderschön!

    Alles Liebe,

  17. My dear friend,
    I´m glad to be back in you beautiful space and learning more from you.
    Thank you for sharing a part your history.
    A powerful landmark, beautiful night vision.

  18. Hallo meine liebe Monika! Wow you have so much news here in form of amazing pics! I was not away the last time, but i was no good inspired... You know the up and down of creative people like us... But i promise my self that tomorrow all will be better! Kiss to you my dear friend, wish you all the best

  19. Αν δεν είχαμε καταστρέψει τούτη την πόλη με το μπετόν και την κακογουστιά.......
    Θαυμάσιες φωτογραφίες σου υπέροχα φωτισμένα τα μνημεία!

  20. liebe Monika,
    ja und doch ist es ein große Stück Geschichte, auch wenn es nur ein kleiner Rest ist, den wir bewundern können, ein Rest der übrig geblieben ist, von der Pracht und Herrlichkeit einer Zeit, die weit über unsere Vorstellung hinaus geht,
    wie wunderbar deine Bilder der gewaltigen Säulen!

    ganz liebe Grüße von Jasmin, ein schönes Wochenende

  21. I would walk through that open-air museum. Great photos.

  22. Wonderful evening shots Monika,

    thanks for your nice comments.

    Hugs, Joop

  23. They are the best, that chap Hadrian was alright, I think, lol.

  24. wonderful!!!

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >


  25. Olá, amiga!
    Imagens fantásticas.
    Bom fim de semana!

  26. Athens has such a fascinating history behind their buildings! Thanks for sharing! xoxoxo

  27. Huhu liebe Monika,
    wieder ganz faszinierende Bilder ♥
    LG Sabine

  28. Spectacular shots, Monika. Greece has such lovely reminders of the history of civilization. I sought out many such places in Rhodes 2 years ago - 3 weeks was not enough time.

    Have a beautiful weekend.

  29. Hi Monika! Hope you had a great weekend! Yes, Zara is my guilty treasure :-) xooxo

  30. Ομορφο το ταξιδι σου !!!

  31. Υπέροχες οι φωτογραφίες!
    Κι εγώ εκεί έκανα βόλτες χθες το απόγευμα :)
    Καλό μήνα φίλη μου

  32. Hi Monika, I arrive back at your blog with superb images like this , well done.
